Moonglow Installation

  1. If necessary, install a J2SE 1.4 compatible JVM
  2. Unpack contents of the archive to your favorite directory (e.g. ~/moonglow)
  3. Set the environment variable MOONGLOW_HOME to the directory you just created, e.g.: export MOONGLOW_HOME=~/moonglow

    [optional] Add $MOONGLOW_HOME/bin to the path, e.g. export PATH=$PATH:$MOONGLOW_HOME/bin

  4. In order to use the Google or Amazon plugins you will have to register for a developer's key (please read their licenses carefully.) Here are the URLs:

    [optional] In order to avoid typing these in every time you do a search, you'll probably want to paste these values into the $MOONGLOW_HOME/config/ file, as such:

  5. Run mgfind, see the quick start guide.

Building The Source

If you are building from source code, as in a CVS checkout, please follow these steps:

  1. If necessary, install J2SE 1.4 and Ant.
    Note: Moonglow has only been tested with Ant 1.5, but probably should work with earlier versions.
  2. Copy the junit.jar in the lib directory of the project to your $ANT_HOME/lib directory
  3. If you haven't done so already, set the MOONGLOW_HOME environment variable to the root of the project (e.g. export MOONGLOW_HOME=~/moonglow) and add the bin directory to your path (e.g. export PATH=$PATH:$MOONGLOW_HOME/bin).
  4. [optional] If you plan on using the Amazon and/or Google plugins, register for developer tags and add their values to the $MOONGLOW_HOME/config/ file (for convenience).
  5. If you would like to unit test these plugins against the real servers, add the devtags to $MOONGLOW_HOME/testdata/ as well, and set the value simserver=false.

  6. Change into the MOONGLOW_HOME directory and run ant install.
    Note: From now on, just run ant with no target to do a clean compile. Other targets include: test, javadoc, clean, and compile.. See build.xml for all targets.
  7. Run mgfind, see the quick start guide.