Moonglow Installation

NOTE: What follows is the full install process. It is very probable that all you need to do is unpack the archive, change into the bin directory and run mgfind.

  1. If necessary, install a J2SE 1.4 compatible JVM
  2. Unpack contents of the archive to your favorite directory (e.g. ~/moonglow), e.g. jar xf moonglow.jar
  3. Set the environment variable MOONGLOW_HOME to the directory you just created, e.g.: export MOONGLOW_HOME=~/moonglow

    [optional] Add $MOONGLOW_HOME/bin to the path, e.g. export PATH=$PATH:$MOONGLOW_HOME/bin

  4. In order to use the Google or Amazon plugins you will have to register for a developer's key (please read their licenses carefully.) Here are the URLs:

    [optional] In order to avoid typing these in every time you do a search, you'll probably want to paste these values into the $MOONGLOW_HOME/config/ file, as such:

  5. On UNIX systems, you may have to change the permissions of the command-line scripts. (as root:) chmod 755 $MOONGLOW_HOME/bin/*
  6. Run mgfind, see the quick start guide for more details.

Building The Source

If you are building from source code, as in a CVS checkout, please follow these steps:

  1. If necessary, install J2SE 1.4 and Ant 1.5.
  2. Copy the junit.jar in the lib directory of the project to your $ANT_HOME/lib directory
  3. If you haven't done so already, set the MOONGLOW_HOME environment variable to the root of the project (e.g. export MOONGLOW_HOME=~/moonglow) and add the bin directory to your path (e.g. export PATH=$PATH:$MOONGLOW_HOME/bin).
  4. [optional] If you plan on using the Amazon and/or Google plugins, register for developer tags and add their values to the $MOONGLOW_HOME/config/ file (for convenience).
  5. If you would like to unit test these plugins against the real servers, add the devtags to $MOONGLOW_HOME/testdata/ as well, and set the value simserver=false.

  6. Change into the MOONGLOW_HOME directory and run ant install.
    Note: From now on, just run ant with no target to do a clean compile. Other targets include: test, javadoc, clean, and compile.. See build.xml for all targets.
  7. Run mgfind, see the quick start guide. On UNIX, you may need to give execute permissions to the command-line scripts, i.e. chmod 755 $MOONGLOW_HOME/bin/*